Well yeah okay..I have a LOT of blogs already and I wasn't really updating them often than I used to before but hey..there are certain reasons why I didn't: 1. I am dying to know how to consolidate all my posts 2. I forgot the password from most of them and 3. I wanna start a new fresh blog! I was trying to create a blog from Wordpress but I don't know why it's making it hard for me to do so. I got pissed, so I've returned to Blogger (which of course has the most convenient way to start a blog, besides Tabulas). I want to start a new blog because it's just so hard to decide which of my existing blogs to update! Whenever I read them, it's really making me question myself, why did I even think of having a lot of it?! Sure, 2 blogs were fine (since my LiveJournal blog was used to be my "private" blog because only hosting agents have an access to view it..lol) but having 4 blogs were really confusing. I mean, am I that bored before?? Hahaha! Oh well, the "consolidating all my blog posts" was still a challenge for me but I'll research more on that when I have an extra time surfing the net when I'm at home. So anyway, I really didn't want my first post to be an explanation to why I'm starting a new blog so let me go down to "business".
Christmas for the year 2011 just ended yesterday. It was the same with the Contreras clan every year. Every family will visit the houses of their relatives to greet each other a "Happy Christmas". The kids will also be given their "aginaldos" in every house that they visit, so the more the merrier! Haha! It was the first Christmas that my baby Hayley was able to appreciate the gift giving so my hubby and I were excited on how many gifts she will receive and how much money she will get! Lol. So anyway, here are the pictures I've grabbed from the Facebook page of my hubby's cousin. I was so busy that day that I don't even remember bringing my phone to take pictures! :))
Me and my maldita baby! |
Another shot! |
The hubby took these pics. I really don't know why Hayley frowned, I guess she's looking at the flash. I surely hope that she'll have better pictures next year.
The Contreras Clan |
This was taken from one of their relatives in Quibadia. I honestly can't remember the name of their elders but I can remember the faces. If you look closely at Hayley, she was drinking from her cousin Stefi's jug because she was asking for water and we didn't bring her one. It was funny because when she finished drinking, the picture taking was finished too! Haha! My baby has really her own way of making us laugh! ☺
The Contreras Clan Part 2 |
Here's another picture of us from the outside. It was good to see Hayley here not frowning and she was actually looking at the camera! ☺ I think this is the last house that we visited, before we go back to Paliwas and went to Tita Meng's place to eat lunch. This is one of the traditions of my hubby's family that I love during Christmas. It's an advantage that their families are just residing mostly in Obando. It is good to see that after all these years, they were still able to continue this tradition. I'm sure that in time, our generation will be considered as elders and we will teach this tradition to our kids too.
Unfortunately, we weren't able to visit my family in Panghulo because we are so busy from the day before Christmas up to yesterday, which is of course the Christmas day. It was so hard to fit in the schedule to that small amount of time we have for two days. I guess we're make it up on New Year, we'll make sure that we will be able to visit them. I surely miss the way we celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve before.
The Lapus Clan |
"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true." -Cinderella